Anne Maamke Boonstra
Advisor International Heritage Cooperation
a.boonstra [at] dutchculture.nl

International Heritage Cooperation: travel compensation

International Heritage Cooperation: travel compensation

Professionals and organisations are eligible to apply for travel compensation in preparation of their heritage project.

We are currently not accepting applications for the travel expense scheme due to limited funding. Please check back later for further updates.


The travel expense scheme is intended to strengthen International Heritage Cooperation project applications by enabling the applicant to travel to the respective partner country to meet potential partners and experts and to obtain firsthand knowledge of the local situation. We hope that this will help the project be better embedded in the local context and that it will increase the reciprocity of the proposed project.

DutchCulture remunerates one-off economy class return aeroplane tickets for at most one person per project. The applying legal person must take care of visa costs, insurance costs, accommodation and subsistence expenses, domestic travel costs and all other expenses. Please note that the resources for this scheme are limited, every year we reserve € 20,000 for the travel expenses scheme. In 2024 we are accepting applications for this scheme until 1 October for journeys taking place this year. For more information, please download the document IHC Reiskostenregeling below (in Dutch).

For whom

  • Heritage experts from the ten partner countries + China, South Korea, Morocco and Egypt can apply for a return ticket to the Netherlands to set up an International Heritage Cooperation project with a Dutch partner.
  • Dutch organisations wishing to invite a heritage expert from one of the ten partner countries or China, South Korea, Morocco or Egypt as a speaker for a conference, lecture or event on the subject of the heritage that connects the Netherlands with one of these countries can also apply to the travel expenses scheme.
  • Heritage experts from one of the ten partner countries now also have the possibility of being reimbursed for a ticket to one of the other ten partner countries.

Partner countries: Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia*, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Ukraine, and the United States

* For cooperation with Russia, DutchCulture follows the Dutch government's declaration of solidarity for Ukraine and principles of cultural cooperation with the Russian Federation and Belarus.