Emma O'hare
Advisor MEDIA - Creative Europe
e.ohare [at] dutchculture.nl

Online masterclass film professionals get trained!


Online masterclass film professionals get trained!

Leer alles over het reilen en zeilen van veelgeprezen Europese trainingsinitiatieven
dinsdag 13 oktober 2020 16:00

For English, please scroll down

Creative Europe Desk NL nodigt je samen met ACE Producers, APostLab en TorinoFilmLab uit voor een online sessie om alles te weten te komen over het reilen en zeilen van deze veelgeprezen Europese trainingsinitiatieven. Ontdek wat ze te bieden hebben en leer de meerwaarde van het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden in de filmindustrie op het gebied van project- en scriptontwikkeling, producenten skills en post-productiemanagement.

In deze masterclass kom je te weten hoe deze trainingen helpen bij het ontwikkelen van expertise en het opbouwen van je netwerk in Europa. Elke training zal kort pitchen, gevolgd door een Q&A onder leiding van Katriel Schory.

We verwelkomen je graag op dinsdagmiddag 13 oktober om 16.00 uur (CET) op Zoom, laat je inspireren, stel je vragen en verbreed je netwerk.

Registreer je kosteloos via deze link

De masterclass wordt in het Engels gegeven en staat open voor iedereen die meer wil weten over de Europese opleidingsmogelijkheden in de filmindustrie.

Online Masterclass: Film professionals get trained!

Save the date: Tuesday 13 October 2020 16.00 - 17.15 (CET) on Zoom

Creative Europe Desk NL invites you to join ACE Producers, APostLab and TorinoFilmLab in an online session to learn all about the ins and outs of these highly acclaimed European training initiatives. Find out what they can offer you and learn why you should develop your skills in the film industry in the field of project and script development, producers’ skills and post-production management. In this Masterclass you will find out how they help you develop expertise and build your network in Europe.

Each training programme will present their organisation briefly, followed by a Q&A lead by Katriel Schory.

Join us Tuesday afternoon 13 October at 4PM (CET), get inspired, ask your questions and broaden your network.

Register for free via this link.

The masterclass will be held in English and is open to everyone wanting to learn more about European training opportunities in the film industry.

Why get trained?
The film industry is developing at a very rapid pace and today there are many more challenges to face. However, there are also new possibilities and enough room to innovate. Stay ahead of the game: learn from each other and develop your skills in all facets of film making.

Learn more about Creative Europe MEDIA supported trainings
Improving the skills of talented European professionals is a core objective of the Creative Europe MEDIA programme. The MEDIA programme supports around 60 training initiatives including ACE Producers, APostLab and TorinoFilmLab. Search through all the MEDIA supported courses here.

Questions? Contact Emma O’Hare (Creative Europe Desk NL)