Shared Cultural Heritage Russia

Shared Cultural Heritage Russia

Russia is a focus country in the current Shared Cultural Heritage Policy of the Netherlands (2013-2016).

The historical ties between the Netherlands and the Russian Federation date back to the 16th century. The interaction influenced both the tangible and intangible heritage of the Russian Federation and therefore is an integral part of the current relations between the two countries.

The long-term relation between the Russia and the Netherlands has been celebrated during the bilateral Netherlands-Russia year in 2013. The cultural programme was coordinated by DutchCulture.

Dutch-Russian cooperation in the field of heritage dates back to the 1980s and takes places in four areas: museums and collections; academic cooperation and archival research; built heritage and landscape architecture; and archaeology and naval history. Russia is a focus country in the current Shared Cultural Heritage Policy of the Netherlands (2013-2016).

Heritage Desk
The DutchCulture Heritage desk has an extensive network and stimulates the exchange of knowledge and experience between organizations and countries. Priorities of the Netherlands’ international heritage policy are the Shared Cultural Heritage programme and European cooperation. In addition, we offer a visitors programme for foreign heritage professionals.

Wish to now more about our shared heritage with Russia and our heritage programmes? DutchCultures’ Heritage desk is happy to answer your questions and to explain what we can do for you.