

Other name (in original language)
Homogene Groep Internationale Samenwerking

- The Hague

Note: This organization does no longer exist such.

Since 1997, the Homogeneous Budget for International Cooperation (HGIS) has been a
separate construction in the central government budget. It combines the international
cooperation budgets of individual ministries, enabling them to be viewed in conjunction with
each other. The HGIS thus provides an overview of the principal foreign spending items.

A distinction is made within the HGIS between spending that meets the Official
Development Assistance (ODA) criteria and other, non-ODA spending on international
cooperation. Total HGIS spending in 2012 will amount to €6 billion, €4.43 billion of which will
go to development cooperation. The Dutch ODA budget agreed for 2012 – and the rest of
the current government’s term in office – has been fixed at 0.7% of gross national product