Date: Friday 23 November
Time: 14:00 - 16:00, followed by drinks and network opportunity (doors open 13:30)
Location: Goethe-Institute Amsterdam (Herengracht 470, Amsterdam)
Note: Registration for this event is closed.
Language: English
Moderator: Miriam Brenner
In spite of geographic distance, the Netherlands and South Korea can boast a strong and growing relationship of artistic and cultural cooperation. in art and cultural cooperation based on a good many mutual interests and infrastructural supports. For instance, Amsterdam’s 'Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten' receives hundreds of applications from South Korea every year. Additionally, the multi-disciplinary Dutch cultural program NEDxPO2018 was seen by many South Korean art-goers around the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics earlier this year and the Dutch Dance Theatre (NDT) just performed again in Seoul with a full house in the audience.
When we look back on these exchanges, what have artists and institutions learned from working in South Korea? How to deepen mutual understanding and stimulate further collaborations between the two cultures? Or more practically; where and how to start working in/with Korea?
At this afternoon program, DutchCulture aims to provide a platform for artists and cultural professionals from both the Netherlands and South Korea to exchange information and insights. Artist and photographer Ksenia Galiaeva will tell her stories of working in the two Koreas via residency and visiting programs. South Korean artist and designer Vakki is, from the opposite perspective, to share her experience and choice of coming to study and work in the Netherlands. Hicham Khalidi, director of the Jan van Eyck Academy, will introduce the institution's vision in helping international artists and her collaborations with South Korea, while artist Sjoerd ter Borg is going to present his South Korea-made short film ‘Beach Umbrella’ (2018), in which a computer categorizes the city of Seoul using Street View archives.
This event also features speakers from DutchCulture’s visitors program. Our guests Jinyi Oh and Haejung Kwon from Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC) and Miseon Song from the international department of Arts Council Korea (ARKO) will introduce their own organizations’ thematic focuses, interests, and facilities in the range of international cooperation. Hajin Lee, senior cultural officer from Dutch Embassy in Seoul and our own advisor Ian Yang will also be present when the floor is opened to the audience for Q&A discussions.