Shared Cultural Heritage: Other funding

Shared Cultural Heritage: Other funding

Several other funding possibilities are available for shared heritage activities.

The Dutch embassies of the partner countries (Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, United States) with which the Netherlands has a shared past have budget for shared heritage activities by local organizations. It is recommended to keep the embassy updated at all times on your activities in one of these partner countries. For more information, please contact the relevant embassy.

For contact details of the Dutch embassies of partner countries, click here.

Other Dutch cultural funds
Apart from DutchCulture many Dutch cultural funds have specific heritage incentives. Below you will find a short list of a number of heritage incentives known to us. For the latest information on these regulations, it is recommended to visit the website of the relevant fund. Also most funds have several incentives, so it is important to consider which incentive fits best with your project.

Mondriaan Fund
Mondriaan offers the ‘Bijdrage Internationale Samenwerkingsprojecten Erfgoedinstellingen’. This incentive is meant for Dutch heritage organizations that cooperate with non-Dutch heritage organizations in research projects on shared collection areas.
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Creative Industries Fund NL
This is the cultural fund for architecture, design, e-culture and every imaginable crossover. The Fund supports designers and creatives with (inter)national projects, cultural institutions with one-year and multi-year programmes, and talented individuals in the creative industries. Its core task is the stimulation of culture. Projects involving heritage and contemporary design may be supported by one of this fund’s incentives.
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Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen (SMF)
By cooperating, six historical maritime funds aim to enlarge their mutual social impact. Their mutual goal is to stimulate for the functioning of the Netherlands as a maritime nation. Specific focus is on the relation between past, present and future.
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Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
This fund is a passionate advocate for cultural, natural and scientific projects in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Cultuurfonds emphasizes artistic excellence and educational initiatives by means of financial contributions, calls, awards and scholarships. Several heritage projects have been supported by this fund, including digitalization projects and publications.
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