Ian Yang
Advisor - Australia | China I Japan I South Korea
i.yang [at] dutchculture.nl

International visitors: Jinyi Oh, Haejung Kwon, Juyoun Lim and Miseon Song (South Korea)

International visitors: Jinyi Oh, Haejung Kwon, Juyoun Lim and Miseon Song (South Korea)

Jinyi Oh, Haejung Kwon (Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture) and Juyoun Lim, Miseon Song (Arts Council Korea) are visiting the Netherlands, 21-24 Nov 2018.
Wednesday 21 - Saturday 24 November 2018

Ms. Jinyi Oh is Advising Director of Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC), in charge of divisions on Communication, Management & Planning and Citizen Culture. Ms. Haejung Kwon is assistant manager of the Mecenat team (international division) of the SFAC. The Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture (SFAC) is a non-profit public organization established and funded by the Seoul Metropolitan Government. The mission of the SFAC is to make Seoul a city of culture and happy citizens. SFAC brings more attractions to the city with arts from all over the world, and more joy to the citizens through the promotion of diverse creative and cultural activities.


Ms. Juyoun Lim is the Director International Department of Arts Council Korea (ARKO) and Ms. Miseon Song is in charge of Dance and Theatre at the same department. The ARKO is South Korea’s largest funding agency for arts. It is a state funded‚ non-profit organization. The main aim of the ARKO is to make the arts more central to the lives of the Korean citizens by supporting arts organizations and artists in and abroad through grant-giving services and programs.


The four visitors will visit the Netherlands to expand their Dutch network and to exchange knowledge in the field of performing arts, urban regeneration and airtist in residence programs. From 21 to 24 Nov they will visit, among others, Dutch Performing Arts, Rijksakademie, de Ceuvel, DasArts, AGA Lab, de School and to experience the Amsterdam Art Weekend.