New Projects Awarded by Heritage Matching Fund

Vader en zoon in Kota Tua, Jakarta. De foto maakt deel uit van de serie Heritage in Transition van Isabelle Boon
Isabelle Boon

New Projects Awarded by Heritage Matching Fund

Fifteen new projects will receive a contribution from DutchCulture’s Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund.

Noteworthy for this round of applications was the variety – not only of partnerships and countries but also of activities. Increasingly, applicants to the fund are succeeding in making a connection between heritage and art, so the scope of the projects is growing and the activities are becoming available to a broader public.

This was the last application round for the current matching fund. Over the course of this year, DutchCulture expects to be able to offer more clarity about the future of the matching fund from 2017 onwards.

Awarded projects:
•   Including Slavery Heritage US / UK: The Free University in Amsterdam and various partners in New York make the history of slavery part of American-Dutch history through a tour, a guide and a database.
•   Re(as)sisting Narratives: Framer Framed makes the shared heritage in South Africa insightful in new ways with an exhibition, education and new artwork.
•   Craft in Focus Festival NYC 2016: The Craft in Focus festival organises an edition in New York that discusses the crafts that went to the United States from the Netherlands.
•   The Life and Work of Thomas Karsten: Publication on Thomas Karsten (1884-1945), a Dutch architect and urban planner who is regarded as the founder of modern urbanism in Indonesia.
•   Heritage as Cultural, Social and Economic Asset: Training given by IIAS and the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works for senior executives in Indonesia responsible for heritage in eight major cities.
•   Cross-Cultural Traditions through Textile History: Artist Fariba Sedoc van Hosselaer goes in residency at the Wyckoff House in Brooklyn and examines the textile traditions that spread as a result of Dutch colonisation.
•   Stadsherstel Formula for Shared Heritage Countries: A handbook, exhibition and lectures by Stadsherstel Amsterdam for an international audience.
•   Photo Project Heritage in Transition: Isabelle Boon makes a photo report on the inhabitants of colonial buildings in Jakarta and Semarang.
•   Amsterdam World | City: A publication with material on the mutual influence between Amsterdam and the countries with which the city has maintained contact throughout the centuries.
•   The Hidden Stories of the Slavernij: Artist Didi van der Velden and the Maasaka Maroon Museum document the stories of Maroon history in Suriname through various art disciplines.
•   Ed Cuypers and Hulswit Architects, Dutch East Indies 1900-1927: A publication on their oeuvre of more than 90 projects in Indonesia.
•   Face to Face: South Africa and the US: A digital exchange between students from Cape Town, New York, Utrecht and Amsterdam.
•   U'wit Biography of Boeroes: The story of the history and present of a white minority in Suriname who made an effort to colonise the country in the 19th century.
•   Mapping Slavery in Indonesia: Dutch and Indonesian universities in Yogyakarta organise a seminar on the heritage of slavery in Indonesia.
•   Indigo: Sharing Blue: An examination by the Crafts Council Netherlands of the tradtition of dyeing with indigo in Japan and the Netherlands between 1600 and 1800 in order to reintroduce this tradition in today’s fashion, interior design and art.

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