On 31 May 2023, the National Archives of the Netherlands handed over two copy stands, each including a camera, to Anatolii Solovei, chargé d’affaires at the Ukrainian Embassy in The Hague. Russian aggression is not only targeted at the Ukrainian armed forces and civilians, but also at archives, historical documents, manuscripts and books. Because documentary heritage like this is evidence of Ukrainian history, identity and culture, it is purposefully targeted by Russian attacks. Digitisation is an important tool to protect such documentary heritage against permanent loss or irreparable damage.
These portable copy stands allow for digitising fragile documentary heritage without taking the physical material away from where it is stored. Produced in Austria, the device was initially developed to digitise manuscripts and printed heritage from collections in eastern and southeastern Europe. The two copy stands are destined for the Heritage Emergency Response Initiative (HERI) in Ukraine, which provides emergency support to the Ukrainian cultural sector. HERI will be the custodian of the stands and provide the equipment to those institutions in Ukraine working to safeguard documentary heritage. Mr. Solovei expressed his gratitude that the Dutch people and government are helping not only to protect Ukraine’s sky from Russian drone and missile attacks but also to protect Ukraine’s history and culture.