Mapping Netherlands: Performing Arts - Art Schools
Conservatorium van Amsterdam
Conservatorium van Amsterdam
The Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA) is the largest and most diverse conservatory in the Netherlands. It offers courses ranging from classical music, jazz and early music to opera, latin and popular music. The conservatory is part of the Amsterdam School of the Arts.
de Theaterschool
de Theaterschool
De Theaterschool is a faculty of the Amsterdam School of the Arts. It encompasses fourteen courses of higher professional education (HBO) in dance, theatre and scenography, theatre technical arts and production. The courses are taught in Dutch.
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU): Utrechts Conservatorium, HKU Theater, Faculteit Kunst en Economie
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht: Utrechts Conservatorium, HKU Theatre, HKU Arts and Economics
The HKU University of the Arts Utrecht offers preparatory courses, bachelor and master programmes and research degrees. Furthermore, the academy differentiates itself by with education in the direction of innovation and the creative industries, by offering degrees and courses in the direction of culture management, economics, media and technology.
Koninklijk Conservatorium
The Royal Conservatoire
The Hague
The Royal Conservatoire is the oldest conservatoire in the Netherlands. It offers a complete range of studies in the various musical disciplines, on both Bachelor and Master level. Furthermore, the conservatoire also has an internationally renowned dance department, which offers education in the academic theatre dance (ballet). The Royal Conservatoire is the faculty of Music and Dance of the University of the Arts, The Hague.
Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
Fontys School of Fine And Performing Arts
Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts provides higher professional education on bachelor’s and master’s degree level in the field of art education and performing arts. Fontys creates an interdisciplinary study environment by housing all studies in one building.
ArtEZ, Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
ArtEZ Institute of the Arts
ArtEZ offers a related selection of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in visual art, architecture, fashion, design, music, theatre, creative writing, dance and art education.
Codarts is a small-scale University for the performing arts in Rotterdam with an international orientation. The school offers BA and MA degrees in the fields of music, dance, theatre and circus performing.
Conservatorium Maastricht
Maastrich Academy of Music
The Maastricht Academy of Music is an internationally oriented academy and is part of the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. The school offers both BA and MA degrees in the direction of Classical Music, Jazz/Pop and Music in Education.
Contact: Jan Rademakers (Dean)
Toneelacademie Maastricht
Maastricht Theatre Academy
The Maastricht Theatre Academy is part of the Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. The school offers studies for the profession of actor, director, performer or stagedesigner. The school works closely together with partner schools in Munich (Germany) and Manchester (UK).
School of Performing Arts
School of Performing Arts
The School of Performing Arts includes the Prince Claus Conservatoire and the Dance Academy Lucia Marthas. The Conservatoire offers Bachelor and Master programmes in classical music, jazz, conducting, composition, arts education and music in education. The Dance Academy Marthas Lucia offers course in pop, show, urban and musical dance.
Minerva Academie voor Popcultuur
Minerva Academy for Pop Culture
The Minerva Academy for Pop Culture is part of the Minerva Art Academy and combines programmes in Music and Design (Pop Culture).