IPHAN is the Brazilian counterpart of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE). Our guests will discuss their mission and the most important challenges they are facing in conserving and managing cultural landscapes in Brazil at DutchCulture in Amsterdam.
The delegation consists of Ms Cléo Alves Pinto de Oliveira (Infrastructure Analyst), Ms Marina Cañas Martins (Member of Technical Staff) and Ms Natália Brayner (Coordinator of Sustainability Support for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage). For more information about the delegation’s visit, click here.
The visit is jointly hosted by the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands and DutchCulture, in cooperation with Staatsbosbeheer and with a contribution from the Netherlands Embassy in Brasília.
Practical information
Date: Thursday 21 September 2017
Time: 15:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 15:00 hrs, afterwards networking opportunity until 18:00 hrs)
Location: DutchCulture, Herengracht 474 in Amsterdam
Language: English
Admission: free, please register here
NB Please note there is limited seating available at this visitor's talk.