South Africa

South Africa and the Netherlands
Transformation and Identity is the main theme for the cultural cooperation with South Africa for the Netherlands for the policy period 2021-2024, with a focus on youth as the future leaders and tomorrow’s decision-makers. This theme provides the opportunity to discuss the shared past that continues to influence present-day Netherlands and South Africa, openly and through various channels and modalities. The theme also creates a platform to continue the discussion in an effort to shape a mutual understanding with respect to a shared future.

South Africa has been a democracy since 1994, but its social and economic transformation to a more equal society has not fulfilled the expectations of all sectors of the population. Groups that previously had no voice in the social debate are questioning formal institutions and traditional cultural values, in particular the youth: although born into a free and democratic society, the majority remains subjected to the socio-economic injustices suffered by those who fought for freedom decades before them.  

Partnership and respect
The Netherlands values South Africa as a cultural partner and sees great value in cultural cooperation as a goal in itself, but certainly also as a means of strengthening mutual understanding and trust. The basic principle of this cooperation is that of partnership and respect. Such partnerships are built on the principle that both South African and Dutch interests meet in the middle to collaborate on mutually beneficial projects having a long-term sustainable impact.

Opportunities exist in particular for the following sectors: audio-visual; performing arts; visual arts; creative industry (big data, fashion, (serious) gaming, design thinking, smart design, additive manufacturing (3D printing)) and cultural heritage. The latter includes intangible heritage, maritime heritage and technical support, but also concerns the relationship between South Africa and the Netherlands in relation to contemporary societal issues and the goal of ensuring the long-term preservation and archiving of Dutch history in South Africa. Read more…

Information & advice  
Would you like to receive more information regarding opportunities for cultural exchange with South Africa? Feel free to contact our Focal Countries Desk with your questions.

Further reading


Minke van Schaik, DutchCulture
Minke van Schaik
Advisor - Egypt | South Africa
m.vanschaik [at]

South Africa at a glance

99 registered activities in 2023
featuring 42 artists

Number of activities
12 months (2023)

Activities by
discipline in 2023


Frequently asked questions

Where can I find funding within the Netherlands?  

In the Netherlands, there are various funding opportunities available for artists, cultural practitioners and organisations with international ambitions. You can find a first overview on our Funding Support page. For a more extensive overview, see our Cultural Mobility Funding Guide.  


International Heritage Cooperation is part of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy. The embassies of the Netherlands in the partner countries have a budget for supporting local cultural heritage projects. DutchCulture manages a Matching Fund. Dutch legal entities (companies and registered freelancers) are able to apply for partial funding for an international heritage cooperation project.  

Where can I find funding within South Africa?

On The Move has assembled a guide to cross-border mobility for artists and cultural workers from and travelling to Africa.

What rules and regulations do I have to consider (visa, social security, taxation)?


Dutch nationals can stay in South Africa without a visa for a period up to 90 days, for tourism or business. For any information on visa, please consult the website of the South African government.

Social security

The website of the Dutch Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) offers a lot of information on social security when working internationally, with specific information for artists. The information is available in five languages.


As artists are highly mobile these days, there are specific rules to avoid that one would not pay taxes. Everyone needs to pay income taxes, but when you have earned your income in different countries in which country should you pay? And how can you avoid double taxation? The Netherlands has tax treaties with a number of countries. In many cases, this means that the taxes you pay in one of the countries are deductible from the taxes you owe in another country, or that you are exempt from paying certain taxes. Here you can find an overview of the countries with which the Netherlands has a treaty.

How can I promote my work in South Africa?  

Make sure to contact the embassy to let them know about your projects. Do not forget to create a My DC account, where you can add your activities to our Cultural Database. This way you will be included in our database and become part of our network.

How can I find a residency, a venue at which to perform or an exhibition space?

Through the DutchCulture database, you can find out which artists from the Netherlands have worked at which venues, and start your research there. Go to the search icon on the upper left corner of the website, and search by discipline, country, and city.

For residencies, DutchCulture's TransArtists is a great research tool. In order to successfully build an international career, and in order to find sustainable partners in a country, it is always wise to spend more than a few days somewhere. Residencies, which can last from a couple of weeks up to several months, can help you achieve this.

How can I keep up to date with any news concerning cultural work in South Africa?

The embassy of the Netherlands in South Africa is active on different social media platforms. Follow them on one or more platforms and stay up-to-date about the latest news, new opportunities, and events.

Are there specific things to keep in mind when it comes to safety in South Africa?

For the most recent travel advice to South Africa, please see the website of the Dutch government (in Dutch).